Saturday, March 14, 2009


We are so sorry it has taken us so long to update our blog. We wanted to share some random pictures from our hiatus.
Mommy hurt her ankle and is using crutches, this is a picture of Fiona and I wondering what these metal things are.
Here is just a cute picture of Fiona playing with her Kong toy.

Here I am looking on as Fiona plays with her Kong.

Here I am in my naughty place!

Here I am resting my head on Mommy's foot.

I actually fell asleep with sitting up with my head resting on Mommy's foot.

1 comment:

The Secret Keeper said...

Oh no what happened to your ankle. I had to use crutches once and decided I was going anywhere until their time was up. Those things were awful. I hope you're feeling better.